Sunday, January 23, 2011

Becoming Old

FIRST! THERE'S AN UPDATE ON MY CARTOONS! There will now be <-Previous NEXT -> links at the bottom of my cartoon series! That way if you want to be like... Hmm... what was last week's again. You can look. Or if you're new you can go from beginning to end without having to go back. There's nothing worse then doing that! Now.. back to the post!

So lets face it. I'm 21 now... life is going downhill from here in terms of quality of life and physical fitness. This graph represents what I learned in my Developmental class. 

You see... when you hit your twenties you are at your peak. Then everything like muscle mass, bone mass, flexibility, brain functioning etc. decreases, and it does so at an alarming rate when you hit your forties and again at your 60's. So when I get old, I aspire to be one of those people who try to do the things I didn't try when I was in my 20's. Like SKYDIVING!



What I don't want to be is a dependent individual who has to be fed. I HATE being fed! I don't find it romantic or cute. Its really annoying. So when I see this... It makes me cringe inside.

 So if I need to be fed by someone. I will probably be the grumpiest older adult lady ever!

In fact I'll probably resort to just plopping my face into my food to eat because I REALLY hate being fed.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha that's funny I do taekwondo im awesome at it please do some horse cartoons

