Friday, January 28, 2011

A Night Out.

I made this in 2009. I was so pumped to party but everyone was either busy with school projects/too tired to party. I was so bored and so sad that I couldn't party that I figured my little Kokanee can should have some fun! I actually made this for a friend because she loved my Kleenex box story which I made in 2008. ENJOY! For a story made from a Kleenex box and a pencil sharpener look here!
Kokanee: Starbucks... I am so Bored
Starbucks: Me too... *sigh*
 Kokanee: If only we had something....
Kokanee: Oh! I think we've solved our problem Starbucks!
Starbucks: I don't know Kokanee. Last time you drank rum you threw up and I had to carry you home. ANNND! You had a massive hangover! 
Kokanee: If you don't want to party then you don't have to join! 
Starbucks: Fine... I'm gone.
Kokanee: BOTTOMS UP!
Kokanee: Argh! I'm a pirate!! 
Kokanee: Oh man... I'm so funny. *hiccup* 
UGhhh.... Ugg I don't feel so good...
Starbucks: Kokanee! I'm back...
Starbucks: Why do I always have to be the sensible one? 

Nessie 10

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Becoming Old

FIRST! THERE'S AN UPDATE ON MY CARTOONS! There will now be <-Previous NEXT -> links at the bottom of my cartoon series! That way if you want to be like... Hmm... what was last week's again. You can look. Or if you're new you can go from beginning to end without having to go back. There's nothing worse then doing that! Now.. back to the post!

So lets face it. I'm 21 now... life is going downhill from here in terms of quality of life and physical fitness. This graph represents what I learned in my Developmental class. 

You see... when you hit your twenties you are at your peak. Then everything like muscle mass, bone mass, flexibility, brain functioning etc. decreases, and it does so at an alarming rate when you hit your forties and again at your 60's. So when I get old, I aspire to be one of those people who try to do the things I didn't try when I was in my 20's. Like SKYDIVING!



What I don't want to be is a dependent individual who has to be fed. I HATE being fed! I don't find it romantic or cute. Its really annoying. So when I see this... It makes me cringe inside.

 So if I need to be fed by someone. I will probably be the grumpiest older adult lady ever!

In fact I'll probably resort to just plopping my face into my food to eat because I REALLY hate being fed.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I was bored because I am snow-bound. Though thankfully the creative juices are flowing! Allowing me to draw cute muffins for you! P.S. New banner is up! What do you think?? I think it has more character and awesome delicious goodness! :)


So today I woke up ready to hang out with my boyfriend, perhaps have a nice dinner with him and I rolled up my blinds and it looked like this...
If you can't tell those are cars, and a ton of snow on top of them! So I'm literally snowed in. I can't drive because my little Toyota will probably get stuck and I don't have someone to drive with me to help push me out. So dinner plans are canceled. Curse you Alberta weather! It was plus one on Wednesday, now its snowing like crazy and its freezing on a Saturday.

Fan art posts will commence today due to my current situation though!!! :) Mightiest Muffin is out!

Monday, January 3, 2011


Hello all!!! I just wanted to day that I plan to update a new cartoon/story every Sunday. If not it will be every other Sunday. That way you will know when to check out my blog! I know you don't want to miss out! I have many ideas for at least 2 cartoon series plus the Nessie cartoons. When I'm done with a series I'll just link everything in one nice blog post so you can easily navigate through the posts. [edit] The Nessie series is under its own archived page. It is the link beside my fan art page. Hurray! Happy reading! [edit done]

The cartoon after Nessie will be called An Awful Kitchen. I made this cartoon series when I was 13-15. The other one is top secret and I may or may not do it depending on how I'm feeling.

When it comes to the Fan Art Page. I'll just add things randomly. I have lots of fan art, I'm just too lazy to scan it all. I also deleted "fitness tips" and "my road to getting gauges" because I want this blog to be for silly drawings rather than a melange of everything Amy.

Mightiest Muffin is out!

Nessie 6