Nessie was a short lived, but fun comic to make. I wish I had the time and creativity to fully see this comic the way I wanted. Though it taught me lots about making cartoons on my tablet. :)
Nessie 1: The first drawing that inspired it all!
Nessie 2: Beware of sea monsters and their sneaky tricks!
Nessie 3: We get introduced to Sasquatch and discusses a touchy subject with our protagonist.
Nessie 4: Nessie gets a new image!
Nessie 5: We're introduced to Ogo Pogo from Lake Okanagan.
Nessie 6: Nessie misses Ogo. *sniff*
Nessie 7: Nessie Cleans the loch!
Nessie 8: Nessie is Twitterpated.
Nessie 9: Helloooooooooo Ogo!
Nessie 10: Nessie's friend is introduced to Ogo!
Nessie 11: We get some background story on Nessie's first encounter with Ogo.
Nessie 12: Ogo tells Nessie some shocking news!
Nessie 13: Hello Nelly!!!
Nessie 14: Nelly gets into a little trouble