About Me


This blog was inspired by me not wanting to finish/start my Political Sciences paper. Also the Super Muffin with a cape on my banner was drawn by my boyfriend for my birthday! :) My nickname from him is Muffin.  I would have drawn my own muffin, but seriously? How can you top that? 

I try my best to draw, but this isn't my main profession. I'm actually a Fitness and Lifestyle Consultant, so I try my best to draw when I feel inspired. I get lots of support and praise from friends (THANKS!), but it can be hard to sit down for a few hours to get a story going. Though I've noticed some new fans out there! That's super awesome! I'll try to draw more.

I like drawing cute goofy cartoons. I just draw what's in my head. I also don't make money off of the blog. It's more of a fun hobby to keep drawing (Which was my first love!). My first comic was actually An Awful Kitchen. Maybe I'll scan my old pages and post it on here for funzies.

I like bagels and bananas for breakfast.

P.S.  If you have any questions email me at mightiestmuffin@gmail.com Whoo! 
And here's my Facebook Page